Spousal and Family Support

JB Dath will explain your Support Options

Spousal support or Family Support is often granted to provide the spouse who earns the lower income means of support from the spouse who earned the higher income during the Marriage. Depending on the couple’s circumstances, the court may order a lump sum (settlement) or monthly support that is permanent or temporary, depending on the length of marriage and terms of the settlement agreement.

Here at JB Dath Law we focus exclusively on family law matters and we are dedicated to reaching favorable outcomes for our clients, even in the most challenging or complex cases. JB Dath has many years of experience in high stakes negotiations both in Business & Law. His methods of divorce negotiations often reach favorable settlements for his clients, alleviating the stress and conflict which often surrounds this aspect of the Divorce Process. We also have substantial litigation experience to fight for a just support order at trial if it goes that route.

California Support Laws

When deciding whether to grant financial support and how much, a California court considers several factors, including:

  • Whether each partner or spouse can sustain the same standard of living established during the relationship
  • Each party’s working history, employment skills and the current job market
  • The feasibility of getting the necessary education and training to obtain appropriate employment in today’s current job market.
  • The extent that you or your spouse or partner sacrificed income and career advancement to contribute domestic duties to the relationship
  • The length of your marriage
  • Whether there is a history of domestic violence and abuse.

During settlement negotiations between the two parties, JB Dath considers the same factors to determine what the court is likely to rule, this gives us an accurate starting point from which to propose an equitable agreement. In challenging cases, we utilize consultants as necessary, such as career counselors and accountants to review the Tax repercussions of your Spousal Support situation.
